April 20th, 2023
Short descriptive copy for images used in websites, PDFs, and other content. It creates a better and more accessible experience for ALL users. Also known as Alternative Text, Alt Tags, and Alt Attributes.
Types of images that do and do not need alt text.
1. It’s a best practice and part of ADA compliance for website accessibility
The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against anyone based on ability or disability. Not all users can see images. ALT TEXT is an easy and inclusive way to help make images more accessible to people with audio and visual disabilities or impairments. They might use assistive technology, such as speech software, to read aloud as they browse websites.
2. SEO
Having alt text helps achieve better search engine rankings and drive web traffic to your website. It’s a win-win. When you have better rankings, you go to the top of the list, and boom, people can find your company/service faster and easier when using search engines like Google.
3. Works as text placeholder when images are slow/fail to load
It doesn’t often happen because internet connections are so quick to load these days, but having alt tags is a good contingency just in case an image is lost.
Describe the image as concisely as possible. Think of it like a tweet length.
Make sure the text directly relates to the page’s content/context.
Never use the phrasing “image of” or “picture of.”
Leave alt text blank if the image is purely decorative.
Get in the habit of naming your image files more precisely instead of like this: IMG52045910903.jpg.
When you upload a new image to the media gallery, there is space for it right below the image name. You can also add alt text to existing images in your WordPress media gallery. How to add Alt Text in PHOTOSHOP and INDESIGN.
ALT text is legally required.
It’s the right thing to do.
It helps with SEO to drive more traffic to websites.
It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
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